Resume of Flash Tests contest!
Resume of Flash Tests contest!

Resume of Flash Tests contest!

Oyé Oyé friends!

You chose ZeBulot for its Flash Test on the JAI as winner for the contest of the month of June ( HERE… A must read if you haven't done it yet… it's a masterpiece!).

The entire Vapelier team is happy to announce thetook over the Flash Tests contest... but as we are in the middle of summer after the winner in June, we have decided to give you TWO months (and therefore twice as many lots to win !!!!) either up to late August to offer your Flash Tests or evaluate your favorite Flash Tests positively (the new winner will therefore be nominated through the winners August 31, 2015).

For the record, the contest rules are HERE.

To propose a Flash Test it is HERE (or directly from the menu FLASH TEST)

Good luck to all of you… have a good summer, have a good Vape… As for us, we are not giving up ANYTHING (at least one review every day 7 days a week) and we are preparing a nice surprise for you for this period… stay tuned! 😉

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