Beurk Research – The delight of horrors.
Beurk Research – The delight of horrors.

Beurk Research – The delight of horrors.

The delight of horrors

If some brands of e-liquid have sometimes had an incongruous name, it’s really Beurk Research which holds the palm!

Behind this provocative name, however, we find a universe of delicacies which are each a small wonder of aromatic creation. Four e-liquids tested by Le Vapelier and four Top Jus. You have to go back in time to find such an ace square!

With Bertrand Baillot, brilliant madman and CEO of the brand, we will try to understand the why, the how and all the machiavellian secrets that surround the small brand that goes up, that goes up and that drives all vapers completely nuts !



(c) Copyright Le Vapelier S.A.S 2014 – Seule la reproduction intégrale de cet article est autorisée – Toute modification de quelque nature que ce soit est totalement prohibée et transgresse les droits du présent copyright.

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A propos de l'auteur

59 ans, 32 ans de clopes, 12 ans de vape et plus heureux que jamais ! J'habite en Gironde, j'ai quatre enfants dont je suis gaga et j'aime le poulet rôti, le Pessac-Léognan, les bons e-liquides et je suis un geek de la vape qui s'assume !